Our Chestnut Hill clients wanted to make sure that when they were ready to retire, they had a beautiful garden to enjoy in all seasons. In thinking ahead, they desired a landscape they could safely traverse and care for. The existing terrace was cramped with a sharp dropoff to the lawn below. First thing, we took down the wall and pushed it out to create more entertaining space.
The porch was really too small for chairs and tables and there was no way to get down into the garden. We enlarged the porch area, added steps and a colorful rose and lilac garden at its feet.
Over at the slider, we cut out a circular area and installed a brick landing ready for an evening by the firepit.
We wanted to keep the backyard very natural. We cleaned it up and added blooming trees, native and pollinator plantings. A new shed fits right in.
The front of the house was a blank slate. We installed a new bluestone walkway and flanked the door with Pinky Winky Hydrangeas and colorful foundation plantings.
We cut out a garden near the sidewalk so that the view up the street leads you right to this lovely home. At night the Hawthorne trees are softly lit.
Foundation plantings of grasses and sage catch the morning and afternoon light.
Berries, flowers and seeds abound and so do the birds, bees and butterflies.
Thanks as always to team FF and my dear clients for trusting me with their vision. Thank you Francis and the Stone Creations masonry team.