Out client lives in a stately Jamaica Plain home that lacked a backyard. He dreamed of having a place to sit and relax with his partner. We designed a new front yard that improved his foundation plantings, installed a "green" yew fence and built a new bluestone walkway and bluestone terrace tucked under the chestnut tree. So happy with the plan, our client decided to hold his wedding ceremony right in the garden. We had a lot of work to do in a short time. Thanks to a generous Faithful Flower's client, who agreed to push back her project, we were able to move up this work so we could meet the marriage deadline.

A huge willow helped to screen the yard but was out of control. An old stump took up valuable real estate.

Our father and son masons, "team Netto" demolished the concrete walkway and installed beautiful handpicked multi-patterned bluestone.

We ran planting beds up the sides including coneflowers, sedum, catmint and azaleas. Something pretty will always be blooming.
We installed beautiful full yews that will grow tall and block the busy street. A Stellar pink dogwood will grow tall and flower in the spring.
The new terrace offers a place to relax and a space for the grill. We defined the edge with limelight hydrangeas and sky pencils.
The new landscape has distinct spaces. Front beds filled with color and texture, an area for vegetables , the terrace and the formal walkway.