We have been so busy I have taken to FB and Instagram to update our followers on this season’s doings. I now realize that I have neglected a whole audience of people who are not on social media so I now will get back to posting our 2020 work right here. I have an amazing crew this year who are knocking projects out of the park, or should I say out of the garden!
When I first met the owners of this home they wanted me to help them with their small backyard garden. They are longtime residents of this leafy Brookline neighborhood and brought up their family in this lovely home. Now it was time for them to enjoy the yard. When I started to point out the ugly RR ties holding the front grade, the poor lawn and dead plantings, they agreed that a facelift was in order. We settled on installing an engineered wall and steps capped with bluestone.
In the backyard, we reordered the beds, cut down a few struggling and dead trees, and brought in beautiful shade plantings including a ring of azaleas, monkshood, astilbe, annabelle hydrangea, ajuga, itea, andromeda and more. The lovely ostrich ferns and hostas were retained and moved around to better balance the landscape. We repurposed the boulders that had been holding the grade on the front steps and used them throughout the garden. New sod and irrigation were the final touches for a successful project.