Faithful Flowers displays work year round in center court at the Mall at Chestnut Hill, but spring is always a special time. This season, I teamed up with Ken Dietz, principal of the interior design firm Dietz and Associates ( Ken and I often collaborate as he designs fresh and modern interiors which I translate outside into the landscape and natural world. I have been thinking about the young contemporary artist, Juan Travieso ( whose work reflects his environmental concerns. I am quite taken with his paintings of deconstructed birds and apparently so are many collectors and museums.
Endangered Bird #116 Juan Travieso
I suggested to Ken, that I would like to include Juan's work in the project. With that in mind, Ken and I created an installation featuring Juan's birds combined with elements of an awakening spring New England landscape. See how we took the plan from start to finish. Thank you Juan for sharing your work and Ken for your impeccable design and eye!