Here's this sweet little converted ranch that had a recent interior and exterior makeover. The new owners wanted to rid themselves of the 1950 style flagstone pathway and weird little terrace in the front.
Back in the 50's there must have been some guy who made a killing convincing homeowners in Brookline and Newton to go the flagstone route! What we didn't know is that whoever installed the terrace, poured concrete almost all the way to china. Luiz had to jackhammer it all out and cart mounds of rubble off to the dump.
Next up clean and grade the front yard to prep for lawn and new plantings. Follow the progress next week. Just wait till we add planting beds, a grassy lawn and flower boxes!
Now that the walkway is out, Luiz begins work on the front landing and stairs. Here's his progress....
Hand cut fieldstone rise is installed.
Bluestone treads.
And a new beautiful landing.
Now on to the walkway for the rest of the week.